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The Taiwan-China Relation : The Dilemma of Political Confrontation and Economic Interdependence.

In the meantime dialogue and negotiation with China should continue to keep communication open in the hope that someday China will sincerely come to the table, wanting to effect a mutually equal, equitable, friendly, and beneficial relationship. Negotiation is a must to also extract whatever better terms to protect the investment and human rights, facilitate business activities and resolve disputes, and enhance the understanding of each other's cultures. Finally, negotiation is to show our international friends that we are sincere in wanting to be a friendly and cooperative member of the international society and worthy of their sympathy and support.

     Mr. Sui-Bien Chen, the popular former Taipei mayor and the presidential candidate-to-be of the Democratic Progressive Party next year, once said, "Dream is beautiful, and with dream hope follows." I would like to close by offering my own version of Dr. Martin Luther King's famous "I have a dream" speech as follows:

     "I have a dream, that someday-

  • Taiwan will enact a new constitution declaring its sovereignty covering the territory it now actually occupies, separate and independent from mainland China;

  • Taiwan will change its national name from Republic of China to the Republic of Taiwan;

  • Taiwan will formally announce its intention to become the friendliest nation to China and to offer to establish diplomatic relations with China;

  • Taiwan will strengthen its national defense, both militarily and spiritually, enough to preserve its independence and integrity;

  • Taiwan will develop long-term, well-diversified and balanced economic policies and plans to ensure its continued prosperity;

  • China will realize that a brotherly and friendly Taiwan is in the best interest of China's development and world peace;

  • The international society will no longer pretend like Taiwan doesn't exist, much like the same way China was once ignored for more than 30 years;

  • Taiwan will be freely re-admitted to all the international organizations as a full-fledged member to fulfill its obligations and enjoy its rights."

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