A distinction between ordinary and enterprise waste
was made in the Waste Disposal Act for the first time
in 1974. A further distinction between ordinary and
hazardous enterprise waste was made in 1985 when the
Act underwent the second revision. While disposal of
ordinary waste (garbage) was the duty of the local government,
it was made clear that the enterprises should either
dispose their own waste properly or entrust the job
of disposal to qualified private agencies. If the ordinary
enterprise waste could emerge with other ordinary waste,
then the enterprises should pay for the disposal service
provided by the government facilities. The Act emphasized
that hazardous enterprise waste should not be mixed
up with ordinary enterprise waste. According to the
revision in 1985, enterprises who violate the Act will
receive a fine of NT$2,000-10,000 in regard to ordinary
waste and NT$20,000-50,000 in regard to hazardous waste.
In January 1986 a measure
for controlling enterprise waste was drawn by the Environmental
Protection Bureau (EPB) of the Department of Health
under the Executive Yuan. The EPB was then the central
authority in charge of environmental affairs before
the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) was
established in 1987. It was estimated at that time that
the amount of enterprise waste was twice that of ordinary
waste. (Lien-ho pao, 1986/01/11/3) At a meeting to examine
the environmental protection affairs held in March 1986,
an EPB official made a warning about the enormous amount
of enterprise waste. He said that the amount of enterprise
waste was six times ordinary waste, of which one-tenth
was hazardous; yet, there was still no regulation to
define hazardous chemical components of enterprise waste.
Wang Chao-ming, the Chairman of the Council of Economic
Planning and Development, suggested that enterprise
waste was a problem related to industrial society and
he urged the Department of Health to carry out investigations
and propose ways to deal with the situation. Thus, the
EPB drew up 12 items of countermeasures and proposed
to set up a research system. Since the existing research
institutes were not sufficient to provide the need in
the future, the EPB therefore suggested that a new institute
be established to specialize in research and promotion
of recovering the waste into a resource. (Ming-tsu-wan-pao,
forward, the Executive Yuan approved the "Measurements
for Controlling Enterprise Waste" in December 1986.
It was decided that 150 items of hazardous and toxic
enterprise waste should be taken into control from
1987 to 1991. Four strategies were then adopted to
push forward the disposal of enterprise waste. (Chung-kuo
shih-pao, 1986/12/14/3)