"Taiwanese subjectivity"is a name and a reality fixed in the realm of human culture. Objectively speaking, the realm of human culture for "Taiwan"is an "independent unity"; in a fundamental sense, Taiwan certainly possesses its own unique belief and value systems, and therefore on the international scene exists as an independent unity with its own national character. It possesses a complete existence, self-sufficient, independent, and autonomous, not part of some other entity of the same kind, including all the possibilities for continuous future growth.
However, the important point is this: "Taiwanese subjectivity" in the realm of human culture is not to be taken as an existence in essence; nor does Taiwan have a "Taiwanese subjectivity"that is here or there, rather it is the result of the people on this land having gone through a process of consciousness-raising and creative practice. This kind of understanding and grasp will provide some important ideas. Here I will only raise two of them:
1) Given that [this subjectivity] is the result of consciousness-raising and creativity, it must be true that one does not need to be born Taiwanese in order to possess it. And in addition, as it is a name and reality within the creative process, its existence is the same across the "gap"separating the various language families on Taiwan. It is not the sole possession of one language group; indeed, it is a cultural meaning jointly created and held in common by the entire people of Taiwan.
2) The social sciences are theoretical study in the objective sense. In order to fix the scholarly integrity and significance of each area of inquiry, it is necessary first to define each area of research in "Taiwanese subjectivity." Literature and the other arts are the revelation of subjective impressions, and therefore there clearly is no need to flaunt some manifesto on "Taiwanese subjectivity"in order to think out how one is to write. For literature, the author needs only to (a) be truly sincere with respect to his own impressions of love and hate, and (b) return to his own land and people. Yet one must "render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and render unto God that which is God's"-what is Taiwanese literature? What is it like? "The nature of the work itself"will prove everything; there is no need to start raising a ruckus and fight about it.
As for the notion of "writing about the Taiwanese experience,"the reason for this is quite simple: literature is the observation and experience of life; it is a portrayal of how one lives. Life and daily living cannot be separated from the land in which life is set; otherwise, there is no way to speak of "style"or "meaning."
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